Senin, 23 Juni 2008

Perintah-perintah DOS

Perintah-perintah Dos sebagai berikut:
A. ansi.sys, append, arp, assign, assoc, at, atmadm, attrib
B. batch, backup, bootcfg, break
C. cacls, call, cd, chcp, chdir, chdsk, chkntfs, choice, cipher, cls, cmd, color, command, comp, compact, control, convert, copy, ctty
D. date, debug, defrag, del, delete, deltree, dir, disable, diskcomp, diskcopy, diskpart, doskey, dosshell, driveparm
E. echo, edit, edlin, emm386, enable, endlocal, erase, exit, expand, extract
F. fasthelp, fc, fdisk, find, findstr, fixboot, fixmbr, for, format, ftp, ftype
G. goto, gpupdate, graftabl
H. help, hostname
I. if ifhlp.sys, ipconfig
K. keyb
L. label, lh, listsvc, loadfix, loadhigh, lock, logoff, logon
M. map, md, mem, mkdir, mode, more, move, msav, msbackup, msd, mscdex, mwbackup
N. nbtstat, net, netsh, netstat, nlsfunc, nslookup
P. path, pathping, pause, ping, popd, power, print, prompt, pushd
Q. qbasic
R. rd, reg, ren, rename, rmdir, route, runas
S. scandisk, scanreg, set, setlocal, setver, sfc, share, shift, shutdown, smartdrv, sort, start, subst, switches, sys, systeminfo, ystemroot
T. taskkill, telnet, time, title, tracert, tree, type
U. undelete, unformat, unlock
V. ver, verify, vol
X. xcopy
Secret MS-DOS command
ATTRIB , The command is short for ATTRIB -a -h -r - s *.* (removes all attributes of a file).
BACKUP /HP UnknownDIR , This lists all files including hidden files, does not work in Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000.
DIR ... Lists all directories that do not have extensions. In Windows 95 / Windows 98 will list the contents of the directories previous to the directory currently in.
DOSKEY /APPEDIT Utilize doskey functions in MS-DOS command utilities such as edlin and debug.
FDISK /MBR Recreates the Master Boot Record See CH000175 for additional information.
FDISK /PRI See FDISK Page for additional information.
FDISK /EXT See FDISK Page for additional information.
FDISK /LOG See FDISK Page for additional information.
FDISK /Q Prevents fdisk from booting the system automatically after exiting fdisk.
FDISK /STATUS Shows you the current status of your hard drives.
FORMAT /AUTOTEST Formats the hard drive without any prompting.
FORMAT /BACKUP Like /AUTOTEST but it will ask you for a volume label.
FORMAT /Z:n Command used with FDISK supporting FAT32, used to specify the cluster size in bytes where n is multiplied by 512.
MEM /A or /ALL Adds a line into the MEM command tells the available space in HMA.
RESTORE /Y Unknown
RESTORE /Z Unknown
SET DIRCMD=0 Will make all directories hidden however still accessible, to get them back
SET DIRCMD=SHARE /NC UnknownTRUENAME When placed before a file, will display the whole directory in which it exists.
VER /R Tells you the Revision and if DOS is in HMA

Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

Cara Online Dua ID di Yahoo Messenger

Yahoo Messenger adalah salah satu program chatting dan sebagai alat berkomunikasi via media teks secara online. Dengan menggunakan Yahoo Messenger Anda dapat berkomunikasi dengan teman, saudara atau relasi dalam waktu singkat. Umumnya YM hanya bisa diakses untuk satu ID saja. Dengan tips berikut ini Anda bisa menjalankan YM beberapa kali sehingga pada saat yang sama Anda dapat login dengan menggunakan beberapa account yahoo Anda.

Caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Jalankan registry editor dengan cara klik tombol Start - Run. Ketik regedit lalu tekan enter.
  2. Masuk ke key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager\Test.
  3. Pada panel sebelah kanan, klik kanan dan pilih menu New - DWord Value.
  4. Ketik Plural.
  5. Klik 2x pada Plural dan isi dengan nilai 1 (satu).
  6. Keluar dari registry editor
  7. dan coba login beberapa ID.
Selamat Mencoba........